Connected my battery charge-booster and XBee radios together today for a proper radio test, and had some very good results. The XBee was on a regulated XBee Explorer, taking care of the 3.3V signal conversions and power conversion. I connected the power directly to the output of the charge-boost, and then did a loopback test with XCTU (see previous post). The result was great! Over 99.8 % success rate across the room. Couple photos of the setup below.
Fig 1. Battery powered wireless unit. |
Fig 2. Computer connected XBee unit. The red board in the middle contains some electronics for my DIP switches (pullup resistors and a shift register). |
Eventually the battery powered unit (Fig 1.) will have the camera connected to it, so that the photos will be sent wirelessly.
In Fig. 2, you can just see the other part of the project I have been working on: shift register for my mode switches. The SD card reader shield contains a mini-protoboard which I have been using to my advantage here to hold all my components (8 resistors and an IC). A 90 degree header sticks out on one end, which I will use to connect this shield to my switches. Looks like there is still some room remaining on the protoboard, which will be good for when I add in some other sensors. However I was having a strange result with one of my pull-up resistors, so I'll have to do more testing before I can say that part of the project is ready.
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