Finished the first iteration of code for capturing Roomba sensor readings. Now I have a function that can be used to access each individual sensor on the Roomba. I have some ideas to increase the speed of accessing the sensor values, right now it is quite brute force and wasteful, but it seems to work. The code posted includes some demo functions for outputting each sensor package. Code is available from my repository and a sample screenshot is given below:
This is my tech blog, where I post projects and things I'm working on. Over time it will become a personal portfolio. For information on my masters project: a gecko-inspired climbing robot, see the ESA article and video here
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Roomba Arduino Library
Haven't done much on any of my electronics projects over the summer, but I pulled my Roomba out of the storage closet this weekend to see if it was still capable of vacuuming a floor. Probably no thanks to all the modifications I had tried to do to it (see my previous posts), it turned off about a second after starting, but I was able to get the serial port to accept commands. Eventually I may try to write my own vacuuming routines for this, since the existing computer seems to be unhappy about something, but for now I've just been working on compiling a library for Arduino out of the Roomba SPI.
The result is the project I started (google code link). You can checkout with mercurial (once I get a more complete library I'll package it a bit better and write an API). So far LED and motor functions are included.
After the break are a short video and photo of the setup
The result is the project I started (google code link). You can checkout with mercurial (once I get a more complete library I'll package it a bit better and write an API). So far LED and motor functions are included.
After the break are a short video and photo of the setup
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